Comments for Husband of Abuser

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Jan 05, 2018
To Name Undisclosed:
by: Darlene - Healing Coach

You have very good reason to be concerned over your wife's mistreatment of these children. She is emotionally abusive. And it's emotional abuse that carries the deepest and longest lasting wounds. The things she says to this boy has cut to the core of who he is and will forever affect him as a human being. She has taught him to be compliant and taught him that he is and never will be "enough".

Hitting anyone around the head, wheather or not it may seem hard enough to be painful, is a dangerous practice. The human brain swims around in fluid within the skull, even though it's attached to the spinal column. Every time she strikes at the head of a child, that child's brain moves around in a way that could eventually cause a traumatic brain injury.Coupled with all the emotional abuse she's laying on this child in particular, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that at some point this child grows up to be dangerous himself.

Under the guise of trying to make them better people, your wife has given herself permission to vent through practices that are clearly abusive. She may well consider such practices okay because they are not as "bad" as what she endured, but they ARE abusive.

It's not only the child on the receiving end that is being abused. Children who witness abuse are being terrorized, and will eventually become numb to what she is doing to that boy. Not only that, they will learn to normalize her behaviour toward him, and start mistreating him as well.

You're a good man. You care about these children's well being. And you've reached out to this boy in a way that he desperately needs. For the sake of ALL of these children, including your own son, you need to step up further and be a voice for this boy, because he doesn't have one. And you've already admitted that you don't see all that she might be doing because you're away at work. She needs help, but the children need an adult to step in and put and end to her abusive ways. All the trips and pictures that make her look as though she's doing well for this children will never make up for the harm she is doing. You know this in your heart already. Do the right thing.

I send you and all the children in your wife's care loving healing energy.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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