Comments for Female-male sexual abuse

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Jan 23, 2008
An encapsulated answer...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Victor, as I read through your various emails to me, I found that almost every line bled of deep emotional pain. I can only imagine the horrors you must have lived through. I'm so sorry that you had to grow up in such a horrendous environment.

Now to address your points: This site cannot be all things to all people. I created this site in order to educate people about child abuse and its signs and effects, but I also wanted child abuse survivors to have a voice and be validated. I have achieved this with my various story, article, commentary and Ask Darlene pages. These are the areas of my primary focus, and they will continue to be.

Victor, there are limits to my personal resources, which is why I introduced the concept of OpenSpace, a place where visitors with a specific child abuse related cause can champion that cause.

About my sex offenders pages; I've included only basic information because I intended them as overviews. It was never my intent to delve deeply into the topic. I've left that for other more specific websites, so that I can focus on my primary goals. I have no intention of going any deeper into the subject matter than I already have. If my visitors want more information about "Covert Incest", then I welcome my visitors to Google the keyword themselves.

I believe you misread the list of sibling incest on my Incestuous Sex Offenders page. It's not a list that specifically identifies who the offender and who the victim is; it's a list of the interaction between the two. In other words, brother-sister means BOTH the brother and sister can be either an offender or a victim.

Victor, the email address you supplied on your private emails to me has been identified by the automated system as undeliverable. However, I wanted to point out here that I do not reply to my visitors privately. While I thank you for the suggestions you offered in that private email, I refer you back to my third paragraph above for my reply.

I thank you, Victor, for taking the time to write.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Jan 29, 2008
Broader rather than deeper?
by: Victor


Thank you for your courage, your hard work and your UNCOMMONLY credible content on this website. Since you offer an important public service for English speakers worldwide I, for one, would be glad to help you break your personal resource limits should that be necessary. My interest is in a BROADER more COMPLETE OVERVIEW of child abuse (rather than a DEEPER more detailed focus) so that the millions of OTHER silenced child abuse survivors like me have a voice too.


P.S. I am uninterested in "championing" causes on your EDUCATION website...although I am interested in fair-minded balance wherever child abuse (as a subject) is perverted by common political, legal, or cultural lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations. I am also uninterested in having PERSONAL discussions on a PUBLIC blog (which is similar to Covert Incest) so please email me in the future when you respond to me as a PERSON. I welcome you as a PROFESSIONAL when I contribute to public pages from a professional distance.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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