Comments for Child Abuse Story From Viki

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Sep 07, 2009
Stay positive...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Viki, your father is troubled. Always remember that HE'S the one with the problem, not you. There's something lacking in him that created the situation he forced you to live in. He needs help, but he's a grown man who must make his own decisions. You must concern yourself about YOU, Viki. I'm glad you're with your mother and that you are in a safe and nurturing place now. As much as you love your dog, try not to let your father continue to hold the love for your dog hostage; because your father knows that's your soft spot. He's manipulating you. Lean on your mother and friends for support during this difficult time. And stay positive. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Sep 07, 2009
Power Trip
by: Scott Canada

Adults go on power trips. Its not enough to have physical power over a child but many enjoy the power they have over the child's mind. Just look at the use of threats of harm to an animal.These threats and often actions scare children sure worked with me when my daddy shot my dog in front of me.
I believe adults who abuse children do so because of their own life shortcomings. They are miserable! Perhaps their job sucks and the boss is constantly bullying them. Adults being the brunt of racism and jokes and bigotry on the job causes great stress. This stress comes home to those of us on the bottom of the totem pole. Its about pecking order.
These adults are perhaps so unhappy that they bring it home and take it out on us children. After all, we are on the bottom in their eyes. And a pet is even lower.A pet is the lowest. An animal will never get the respect a human will get, and an adult can abuse an animal just to torture the child.
Perhaps these abusing adults finally feel power when they take it out on children. They finally find someone weaker and smaller and defenceless like a child or animal. It is then that they are finally the boss. They are bullies and tirents! These are my thoughts anyway.
Before I go I would like to touch on the subject of abuse in education. I believe that teachers, back when I was a child, most definitely went on power trips. Imagine the power an educator had over a strangers child when they could beat them freely without repercussions. These men and women had choices in their power. My teacher made a choice when she pulled down my pants and underwear to beat me in front of all my classroom. She made that choice. She could have chosen not to. She could have strapped my hands. It was her power trip!! An adults power over a child. A teacher over a student. I have to wonder how unhappy and stressed she was in her life to have chosen to do that to me. After all, I am supposed to forgive right? I bet shes sorry..right? If you could ask her today, what would she say? Would she be sorry. Did it make her feel powerful? It made me feel like not wanting to live. Job well done teach...Maybe she enjoyed it. She did it to me enough, She must have been on top of the world.

Sep 08, 2009
Safely in the arms of your mother.
by: maurice

Viki, great news you are being loved and cared for with a mothers LOVE. Thnks be to God I say. Your Father is not a nice man. he is abusing your intgrity, your feeling, your emotions by using your love for animals (your dog) to hurt you. He ain't good at all. Yes he's you father only of kinds. He certainly does not deserve the name of Father. Trust yourself, trust your Mam, be safe stay safe, don't put yourself in positions that might be a danger to you. Your father seems only to use your dog in order to have his power over you. Not as you well know now a nice way of a father to show love and rspect to his beautiful Daughter. Viki, Always believe in yoursefl, you are highly intelligent, I have and idea of that from the brave and courageous way you articulated the telling of your story. Hi Viki, read Darlene's words to you with your Mother, make sense of them together be each other strenth in Love and staying safe. You have your friends who will walk and talk with you and keep you safe. Scott and Darlene care about you as I do. We all want what is the very best for you. Hi you deserve the best. I'm Special, I love me, Look in the mirror and see the beautiful and wonderful me. Era go on, say nice things about yourself, Always believe in yoursefl VIKI. I can, I will, I must. Just because I believe in mysefl with the help of my mother and friends.

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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