Comments for Child Abuse Story From Terri-lee

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May 15, 2013
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Clearly, your mother was sick and twisted in her way of thinking. She had no credibility after the way she mistreated and beat you. She had no credibility after allowing her husband to sexually abuse you. She had—has—no credibility after having you sent away to an institution that was rife with abuse. She has no credibility to believe her when she says you deserved what you got and that you got off lightly. No credibility whatsoever. You KNOW you didn't deserve any of it. You KNOW you deserved to be treated with dignity and respect and love. You KNOW she's wrong on every level. You were thrown into a system that was setup to make you fail, a system that was so corrupt and unfeeling that you, and so many others, paid a price that was way too high. Such hellholes have now been closed, thankfully. But you're still left with the residual effects. Please seek out some form of healing modality, whatever that looks like for you. Start to treat yourself better than anyone ever treated you. You deserve that. I send you love, light and healing energy. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

May 15, 2013
So Sorry
by: Anonymous

A lot of us who have left comments here know that there is a better life somewhere else. The girl in this story is an example of what really goes on in the world when we are born in a dysfunctional family. I am so sorry this has happened to you. There are so many other stories this woman is not telling since they are so bad. Sounds like she is about my age now. I would like to just give her a hug and tell her that everything is OK now. Lots of love to her.

May 15, 2013
The Horror
by: Anonymous

Terri-Lee, none of what happened to you is your fault and you certainly didn't deserve what she did; you ONLY deserved--still deserve--love, protection, dignity and respect. I'm sure that your mother is only blaming you for her own cruelty because she refused--refuses--to accept her own responsibilities. As for the cops, well, shame on them for dropping the ball because cops are supposed to help everyone (especially vulnerable kids), not the other way around. Again, you're not to blame her behavior. TELL, TELL, TELL!!! Children are gifts to treasure, not to abuse.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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