Comments for Child Abuse Story From Shannon5

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Aug 12, 2009
You most certainly ARE a survivor...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Shannon, I long ago learned that sometimes distance is necessary when others, even family members like mothers and fathers, continue to fall into their abusive ways, especially when those abusive ways threaten those we love. Keep protecting your daughters. You've shown that it IS possible to break the cycle of violence and abuse. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 12, 2009
So many crimes committed...
by: Anonymous

Shannon, I'm sorry that you didn't have a good mother; I went through similar stuff, too, and my mom, too, told me that what she did to me "wasn't beatings" and she even still thinks that it was "discipline" and that I wouldn't "believe what she went through as a kid" and the like. I, like you, am really getting tired of hearing our mothers' "oh, I was just disciplining you" excuses and the like. Beating the living information out of somebody and calling it discipline at the same time is actually complete abuse. Have you tried counselling? I wish you and your daughters all the best. Stay strong and be brave.

Aug 13, 2009
Always be true to yourself, The most important woman in all the world.
by: Maurice

Oh Shannon 5. sitting here reading your story I could identify and feel all the anger that was and is in you about your Mother. You're the true mother to your beautiful children. Loving/caring protecting allowing them to grow and blossom in their own beautifulness and uniqueness. Shannon5 you were brave and strong at the age you realized you did not need to take any more crap or beatings or humiliations from your very cruel mother. She was on stuff, but that did not give her the right to abuse you. She was sadly one woman that was not ready for children. She did not know how to LOVE. even herself, A mothers instincts are yours, loving the child that you birthed as flesh of your flesh and nurturing the gift, the precious jewel of your life. Two beautiful gifts special children. Protecting their beautiful, their innocence, their childhood years so that they will blossom and grow like you their Mother. You're a survivor of the most horrific cruel abuse especially at the hands of a woman/mother whose natural instincts should be as your's are for your children. Shannon 5 Darlene's words to you, please read them over and over again they are loving, caring, empowering heartfelt and true for you. She is woman she knows a mothers harshness in abuse and what a mother truly is. Her words are profound, sincere please let them be your strength going forward in your life with your beautiful children. You shared ever so openly and honestly Shannon 5 that Darlene's site is a true haven of LOVE for us all. knowing all her visitors love each other and emphatise with each one's story. Thank you Shannon 5. Thank you Darlene.

Aug 19, 2009
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Darlene, and Maurice and you too anonymous ;)
Just to give you an update, it was my 40th bday on the 17th, now I havent rec'd a bday call from her in years..... now all of a sudden I get one... after one of my dear friends who has been a mother figure to me for years put a bday wishes in the paper and put from "mom" my mother must have hit the roof.... knowing it wasnt from her... anyhow my youngest had a baseball game and sure enough there she was... and again.. I payed no attention to her in anyway shape of form... so.. Monday comes its her... she says" hello Shannon its your mother" I hang up... she calls back says "I just wanted to call and wish you a happy bday with NO ATTACHEMENTS I hang up... then I think to myself.. if theres not attachments why call me now???? after at least 5 years of no bday calls before..... gesh... there was not an ounce of sinserity in that phone call.. it was all about her so now she can go back to all her friends and say... see I tried but she just cant get past it all.... again>> ME ME ME ME never about anyone else but her....
I've gone threw YEARS of therpy.... years and years.... but I swear.. I was shaking like a leaf after that call.... I went right back into the frighten little girl... but my youngest came up to me awhile after and said... "mom I love you ya know" so that made me smile and gushy... so I tackled her and smothered her with kisses... LOl
thank you all for your heartwarming words : )

Aug 20, 2009
Belated Happy Birthday, A great day in YOUR life.
by: maurice

Hello Shannon 5 It is the most wondeful thing, I think to celebrate in your life, One's BIRTHING DAY. because it helps us to acknowledge I was born beautiful and all that happened to us after that was not our doing, just as our bithing was not our doing. I will celebrate my birthing day on the 5th. of Septemebr. For years I just regarded as a happy day when my mam and my friends would send me BDay cards etc. Then after I said hello to the real me at 35 I said this is the most important day in my year. Then it dawned on me My birthing day was the best day of my life. My mom being a single mom all her life made no difference to me as she birthed one very special and beautiful baby. So Shannon 5 spend a few minutes just saying I was born Beautiful and I am beautiful now because I have becaome that beautiful woman/mother in my own right. Great you have children to hug you and say I love you Mommy. Don't be too hard on your Mom. she is feeling very, very guilty now and may be going through her healing times. She abused you Shannon 5 but now you are 40 and one very special Mother. Let go and let God take over both of your lives. You keep on loving You in the Mirror. I'M SPECIAL AND I LOVE ME. TREAT YOURSELF TO NICE SOOTHING CREAMS AND BE GENTLE AND KIND TO YOUR BODY AND YOU. DISTANCING FURTHER ALL THE PAIN AND SCARS OF YOUR ABUSE. SMILE AWHILE WITH MAURICE

Aug 20, 2009
by: Shannon

Thank you very much for your kind words, I've tried very hard all my life to love me... and Im just getting that now.... I do love me... I love that mother that I am, I love the friend that I am... I love life.... My girls are my everything and they know it... I cherish them and anyone that is important to me... and now I tell everyone how much I love them,. cause ya just never know when "your time" comes and I wnat them to never for one minute think that I didnt love them... cause I do...
As for my mother, she did birth me so for that I guess I have to be greatful, for what she did to me, well, thats on her guilty mind, not mine, Im happy without her poison and that is all she brings to this relationship is poison... so.. I stay away, I dont go looking for drama, I was with my Ex for 17 years and have had enough drama to last me a lifetime. NOw that I have found someone who truely loves me for me, I've never ever felt so loved by someone its scarey and exciting all rolled up into one.... I've never had someone stand up for me, and he would now questions asked. and I love him for that..
so again.. thank you for your bday wishes : ) means alot to me.....

Aug 20, 2009
''wow'' your just one beautiful woman/mother
by: maurice

enough siad for now Shannon 5. you make me so proud that you said all in your comment. Thank you. i am ever so happy for you in all you have arrived at in yourself. Especially finding someone who love and respects you. that is your blessing and your that blessing for your girls. enough said Shannon 5. in my space right now your comment made me feel so good about YOU. Darlene's site helped you and me to acknowledge greatness after abuse.

Aug 26, 2009
still trying
by: Shannon

Ok, so an update on whats been going on. So, since my daughters baseball game, which my "mother" attended, and I not in any way shape or form acknowledged her there, since then, my best friend who has known me all my life because her mother and my "mother" are best of friends, they use to party it up ALOT while we were kids, and left us many of times with idiots who use to wanna play "doctor" until I kicked him inthe crotch so hard he went home crying like a little girl, well his mother came over to scream at us, and I said... well he tried to touch my breast and thats what he gets. anyways my sister and I were in huge trouble because now they had to find another person to leave us with. anyways thats a whole other story.
so my sister is having a bday for her dad and wants me there, well, since her mom and my mother are friends my mother said "well if Shannon's going Im not" to which my sister said to her mother, what makes denise think she was invited, so again.. here goes the game. now my mother is down right lieing about me to make me look like a bad parent. My Ex put our daughter in a very bad situation, he let someone smoke pot while our daughter was in there, I flipped out, I was fuming mad... anyhow... Nancy (tammy's mom) decided to tell my mother, who reacted with...
Well thats no big deal, didnt you know Shannon's a cokehead.... she's been a druggie for a long time and you should keep an eye on Tammy cause if Shannon's a cokehead she'll try and get Tammy to do it with her....
So of course Tammy tells me... and Im laughing thinking.. THIS woman REALLY has it out for me... I am not in anyway shape or form a druggie, nor a cokehead, maybe a glass of wine with dinner once in a blue moon.. but thats it... I dont smoke cigs infront of my kids just because monkey see monkey do, and if they dont see me, then they might not start...
I dont know about this woman... is this her way of trying to get to me... is she waiting for me to call freaking out... is this what she wants is a blow out fight... she's not worth my time!
Toxic ppl will do everything in their power to bring you down... but... she isnt going to win!!!!

Sep 30, 2009
Be brave, Be yoursefl
by: maurice

Hiya I'm not sure if your two beautiful children greet you in this way as most of the younger gen do nowadays. Shannon 5 live your life to the full, live each day with your children, they are your life now. while it can't be easy be true to your own beliefs, be honest with yoursefl that your life and that of your children is the most important way to live your life now after all you've been through. Respect your mother but after that leave her where she is at. What came naturally for you to say what happened between your and her keep it that way and not to use your children to keep her wrong doing and abuse of you simmering between you. You are wondefully inteeligent in your own right. decide what is right for you and your children and ignore all others who seem to be trying to make life difficult for you. Your family unit is all that matters now. keep letting go it will become easier as times go by. I can, I will, I must for me and my two beautiful special children. Always believe in yoursefl.

Apr 25, 2012
i hope
by: logan

I hope I grow up to be like you cuz our moms are the exact same and I've finally moved in with my boyfriend and I will be 17 on April 28th and I haven't been in contact with her for over half a month now. And fyi my mom thinks i want to drop out / i wanna graduate and become a famous singer and when i hit the top i will most definitely acknnowledge u... I wish you were my mom

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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