Comments for Child Abuse Story From Samantha L

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Mar 18, 2014
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

No one ever truly "forgets" the abuse they endured. The effects of betrayal and abandonment can live on within us for a lifetime. But there are varying levels of "forgetting". One can get beyond the emotional attachment to the abuse, which in and of itself is a form of "forgetting". When we still feel our unworthiness, our not-enoughness...all the lies we were fed as a result of living in and with abuse, it's a clear sign that we have deeper healing to do. A clear sign that we are still connected to our abusers. But when we find our worthiness, our enoughness...that's when true healing begins. You ARE worthy, Samantha. You ARE enough. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and love. Your sense of belonging cannot be tied to a man who himself is so broken and twisted in his own way of coping and living that he shuns the very people who are of his blood. HE'S the one who has lost so much. You, on the other hand, Samantha, have SO much to offer. So much to bring to the world. Keep working on your own self-worth and self-love. In that way, a form of "forgetting" can and will happen for you. I send you love, light and healing energy. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Mar 18, 2014
by: Anonymojohn G of Mass

Hi Samantha
Your story has touched me and has motivated me to say a few words. I also grew up in a family situation where I the oldest of five boys was traumatized as a result of years of severe beatings by my father and my mother said nothing ever about the beatings. I left when I finally could and never went back. After my father died I went to see my mother and realized she was the same person she had always been even though he was gone. I said good by to her and said I'll never see you again because you were never a mother to or for me and I hate the way I feel toward me. You were never a mother for me ever. The only time either of them ever touched me was my father when he beat me. I didn't see my mother for the next 22 years until she was in a casket in a funeral home. I felt nothing for her forget about my so called father who I hated all my life. All of this happened some 70 odd years ago as I am now 81 years of age. I HATED MY FATHER FROM DAY ONE AND MY MOTHER LATER ON WHEN I REALIZED SHE WAS NEVER A MOTHER TO ME. I cant forgive them but I have learned to survive all these years because of them. You need to know your a gift of god and worth as much as you can make of yourself. Be the best person you can be inspite of your past. Thanks...................

Mar 20, 2014
I Understand.
by: Linda

Samantha, it sounds like your dad was messed up in the head. I grew up with an alcoholic dad, too. Hungry, neglected, raped, and no love. I'm sorry you were treated so badly. Parents are suppose to protect us, and take care of us. My older siblings beat on me, too. There was no way out. I hope you can find happiness in your life. Thank you for sharing your story, it helps to know I have other people out there I can share my story with...God Bless you.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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