Comments for Child Abuse Story From Name Undisclosed65

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Oct 04, 2010
To Name Undisclosed:
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

GET OUT! GET OUT NOW, AND TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER WITH YOU! This man is a pedophile and he will NEVER be able to be trusted. NEVER. The moment you saw child porn on his computer, that was a clear indication that he is sick and that your daughter was in danger. What was on his computer is illegal, and if he's selling it, he's distributing child pornography. You could be found guilty of a crime as well by not reporting what you saw. You are enabling the sexual abuse of your child. I cannot be strong enough in my comment: GET OUT and report this man. NOW. He will continue to abuse your daughter and others. There is NO changing him. There can be no second chances for him. EVER. Focus instead on the needs of your daughter. You're her mother, the only person who can keep her safe from harm. So please, step up and start doing what you need to do for the sake of your precious daughter. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Oct 04, 2010
undisclosed 65
by: anomamos

please get your daughter out of there dont let her suffer any more than she has get her some help this is sexual abuse she should not have to go through it and stand by her she needs you now more than ever dont blame her and beleive everything she tells you get rid of that pervert he needs shooting and i would do more than that to him stop standing by him your daughter needs you this is most deferantly sexual abuse i have been there and not had a mother to help me so i no how damageing it is dont do it to her get her out of there away from that pervert please im asking you politely sort of if you dont you are disgusting like him help her now

Oct 04, 2010
Leave immediately
by: Marie

Please leave immediately! Do NOT tell this man where you and your child are going. Report this to the police-this is ILLEGAL. YOU are at risk of going to jail, just because you know about it and it is in your home. You are at risk of losing your daughter forever. He is extremely sick. Do you have any idea the permanent damage sexual child abuse does? It effects the person for their entire life. It effects their sexual relationships FOREVER. It effects how they interact with people. It creates guilt, shame, hate, depression, bitterness, etc. Get your daughter out NOW...NOW. Right NOW. This MINUTE! Go to a homeless shelter if you have to. Do NOT believe a word this man says. Do NOT believe it if he says he's sorry, or that he loves you....He is NOT capable of a healthy love or a healthy relationship. You were put on this earth to love and protect your daughter. That is your number one job...PROTECT her...

Oct 04, 2010
by: Mrs. R.s

I am sorry but this has made me feel so angry as a survivor of sexual abuse since i was a young toddler and the sufferings and hospitalizations I have had to endure because of the abuse. You have had so many warnings it is right there in front of your face what this man is and what he is doing. I do not call these people SICK to me this insults real sick people. I call them EVIL because they know what they are doing nothings makes them but their evil souls.
Your child and yourself are at great risk and I can tell you from experience your child will remember what has happened to her so far and SHE WILL NEED THERAPY.
If you continue to stay with this very Evil person you will become an accomplice and be responsible for the life long sufferings that your baby will have.
Your babys life is in your hands, there is all kinds of help now, look for a Womans Shelter and get far away from him. If you have family then tell them what is happening the more people that know the better.
Do not give in you to him he will promise you the moon but at the end of the day your baby is relying on YOU to do the right thing LEAVE AND NEVER EVER RETURN, he will never change, look at the other resposes that you have had to your letter and take the advise NOW before it is too late...

Oct 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

You must absolutely listen to what everyone is saying. I see through a friend of mine the absolute terror this can cause a person. The pain and inability to trust any man ever. You must, must, must protect your daughter. Who else is going to do it for you? You are her advocate! She needs you. DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 05, 2010
You have to leave him
by: Anonymous

You have to get a job, get your daughter therapy. Talk to the school, the government. Find out on this site where you can go for your area.

If you stay with him you are telling your daughter she is worthless. If you stay with him you are giving him power over her. If you stay with him you are imprinting on her small brains that she is only worthy of sex & abuse.

Do you want her to fall for men who abuse her when she's grown? Do you want her to turn a blind eye if it happens to her daughter too? Or do you want to stop the cycle of abuse NOW.

You HAVE TO FIND A WAY OUT. For her well being & yours. Turn him in for his child-porn....that will get him away from you for awhile (depending on your state/country's laws).
Act NOW.

Oct 05, 2010
You will do what is best for you and your baby:
by: maurice

Oh you are a loving, caring, concerned MOTHER: Now prove it: Get away from that Beast: get away from that pedophile NOW: TODAY: You'll do what you know to be best for yourself and your beaitiful little girl: Darlene, sure know best and her comment is from her heart to you: especially for your only child: I really don't need to say another thing to you: I want you and your Baby safe and miles away from that sick, sick man: Beast: Animal: You need to tell the Authorities on him: Don't be afraid: You will be safeguarding your child and many other children from the grips of a bad pedophile: Especially if he is selling child Pornography: You'll do what is best: Follow Darlene's loving words from her woman's heart to yours: LOve and cherish that special gift; your baby: don't let anyone ever abuse her beautiful child's body: You are a very intelligent mother: By checking his computer you had your fears and your doubts: Now that you know: He does not love you: I am certain he deceived you to marry you: I am certain you know what true love is all about: I am ever so wary of Step-Fathers especially from all the true stories written on Darlene site: You'll do what is best for you both especially that beautiful girl of yours:

Oct 05, 2010
why haven,t you taken her away already
by: michelle5

It makes me so sad to think what is happening to your daughter and you are letting it carry on by staying with him which makes you no better than him. Your daughter should not have to suffer anymore as her mother it is your reponsabily to keep her safe from sickos like your husband. I have two boys and they mean more than anything to me in the world. I could never stand by and watch someone hurt them. How can you love this man he is sick and needs locking away. The longer you stay there with him the worst it will be. Your daughter is gonna need alot of help dealing with whats she been through already. Take it from people who know, most of as on here have been through abuse sexual physical emotional and the list goes on. I have been through sexual emotional physical abuse and the effects don,t just go away. I,m still dealing with it. It mess,s up your life if you let it carry on your daughter will hate you as well because you knew but did nothing . If you really love your precious little girl please take her away from him and report him. please get your little girl the help she needs. Give her a chance to be a child or it will be to late.

Oct 06, 2010
If you think just because shes 5 .....
by: Nicole

I was 3 and 4 years old and was sexually molested by a babysitter and as soon i was able to put the way i felt after molested and add right and wrong i was about 8 or 9 and started to remember what had happened to me. Just because shes 5 doesn't mean a thing. Please choose your child and leave. It is not NORMAL to let a child caress private areas , i don't care how curious they are . *Privacy needed to be estblished. My fiance and i have been together for 3 years now and my 5 year old daughter used to run around in a long shirt and underwear in the morning or after school as a form of being comfortable. Her daddy and i had a talk with her .She's a big girl now and big girls wear full pj's and not just a shirt, and if you need to cool off you stay in your room for a few minutes and then get re dressed.Tim sleeps in his boxers and he gets offended when My daughter comes in , in the morning.Because of obvious reasons excuse me for being frank but ... (Morning wood) men experience is no time to be having a family moment. All of this is normal. My fiance is letting her know that in the morning while barely dressed is not wanted. FIance' never really gave her too many baths because after like i dont know 2, the mom should be the only one washing a little girl.

you KNOW IN YOUR HEART YOU NEED TO LEAVE HIM,THAT'S WHY YOU WROTE ON THIS WEBSITE.yoU CAUGHT HIM WITH CHILD PORN WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED? That stuff poisons and drives you too be more sick . When you look at normal porn all your life , you look at weirder stuff and unfortunately some people turn into monsters that look at children Please GET OUT! run away from him before your more tide to him!

Oct 07, 2010
You will do what is best for you and your baby:
by: maurice

Special Mom: From the LOVE showered on you by Darlene: and all the other loving comments you have received you will do what is best for you and your beautiful little girl: Take her away from that Beast and pedophile: MY MOTTO from Today is I will: I can: I must because my child is my preciousness and is WORTH safeguarding: Needing my full motherly love;

Oct 12, 2010
Get out.
by: Anonymous

Please get your daughter out of there.

Oct 15, 2010
Leave now
by: Anonymous

Mom please keep your daughter safe. This will keep happening until get away from him. He is a perv. You are destroying your child by living with this sick bastard.

Oct 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

If a man has kiddy porn on his PC what does that tell u?? Yes! he's a PEDOPHILE!!

Quit making excuses and trying to deceive yourself and buy his BS!! "Giving him the benefit of the doubt" My God!


Oct 18, 2010
Don't be fooled by him: Don't fool yourself: :
by: maurice

My prayer this time is that I hope you are not afraid of him: I hope and pray he is not contolling your thinking: I hope and pray you are not taken in by him when he say he will change: I hope and pray you have inner strength and a few freinds, and a safe place to run to with your beautiful child: You can see by all the caring and loving comments your child is the most important person: Darlene sure gave you heartfelt words: Please be brave: Please be strong and good mother make your baby safe:

Oct 20, 2010
by: Jolene

In all reality I am not sure why you even had to write this at all.You should of left him immediately after your daughter told you about what he was doing...He should of never had the chance to try and convince you he had done no wrong and its all your poor babies fault. You gave him a voice and let him get away with such a malicious crime. Where is your daughters voice,let it be heard. You turned to this page for answers when you should be turning to the police and to a safe haven for you and your daughter. As you can tell I am greatly disturbed by the fact that you are turning to strangers for support on what you should do when your natural instincts as a LOVING mother would already know,and you do know what you should do so stop trying to find at least one person out there that will tell you its okay give him a second chance and maybe your daughter is making it up,I am pretty sure that is what you are really doing here you dont want anyone to tell you to leave because you already know you should, you want someone to tell you to stay.well lady no one who isnt sick themselves would ever tell you to stay. If you cant leave because you need some help therapudically yourself at least do the right thing and give your daughter a chance get her out of there with or without you do the humane thing if you cant do the motherly thing. god bless your child.

Nov 02, 2010
you to get out
by: paula

I am a mother and as soon as i saw porn of children on that computer we would have been gone.Dont ever put a man like that in front of your child.she needs to see a dr.he hurt her will come and go but she is there for u forever.when she is older she is going to wander why mommy stayed

Dec 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

if you love you daughter RUN NOW!!!
he is abuseing your 5yo

Jan 14, 2011
I was your daughter....
by: V.

If it wasn't for the time passed...I would have thought that my mother wrote your story...I am a survivor of sexual mother married my step father when I was only months old...he abused me for 2 years, I told my mom, then she got the same lines as your husband gave you,...and its 27 years later and I have just cut that man from my life, placed a police report, and I am in extreme anguish now that I have to learn to feel as the result of the abuse + my mom staying with him, it ended in me not "feeling" anything as a survival mechanisim.
You need to know, my mother whom has only left my dad 4 months ago, is more emotionally disturbed by her guilt, and loss of her mother-daughter relationship with me (this will be you in 20 years..), we have never been close as a mother and daughter for my entire adolesent and adult life, I became a mom, (as 1 day your daughter may), and I was unable to concive how any woman would bed-down with a man after he sexually abused her daughter...your daughter will grow-up, and you will one day regret your decision for not running...running very soon. For your own sake if you cannot do it for your daughters, please...please leave. Your decision to stay will make you part in partial to the abuse. You have suddenly made your sweet angel a secondary object to your effection for what?...for someone to go to bed with, to call your husband, to feel conpanionship with? A spouse can be replaced...a child can not.
You are at this point contributing to the long term effect that your daughter will suffer from the abuse (and mark my words...she will suffer).

Sep 28, 2011
I AM AMAZING: The Architect of my own Destiny
by: maurice

I hope in all honesty and from my heart to yours Undisclosed beautiful and wonderful child of the Universe: Child of God: young woman I sincerely hope you are in a much better space and place a year on and indeed all who left comments: Taking charge of our own destiny is a must for each one of us as free adult thinking beings: All of us hopefully have been empowered by Darlene's Heart to heart comment to each of us personally: This is her gifftedness, her stewardship over her Safe Haven (home) website for each one of us to unload maybe the first telling of what happened us in abuse: I sure was and am helped daily by her affirming, encourageing, supporting and above all her loving heart comment to each one personally: Her Gift to us: Her encouragement to most... I do hope you are receiving some form of counselling is her powerhouse of advice: We all must acknowledge it is the only way forward for most (all) of us: a few visitit's does help to put alot into perspective for us: It did for me: So Undisclosed and all others here I sincerely hope all have moved on: NOW living your life to the full; Being a winner over the sicko, sad, with animalistic tendencies out of control individuals not normal human beings who perpetrated abuse on each of us: what ever form we shared here with Darlene: Have a friend: Be a friend to someone in need of love and protection from abuse:

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

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