Comments for Child Abuse Story From Name Undisclosed 21 Part 2

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Apr 17, 2010
TELL someone...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You share NO blame in what happened to you. HE had authority over you. HE had all the power, and he misused that power. And now he's trying to re-exert that power; but you are now older and understand more. You have more power than you had before, but you MUST stand up for yourself. You say telling your parents "is out of the question", but your parents are there to protect you from harm. TELL THEM! Tell them NOW! At the very least, tell someone: a teacher, a counsellor at school, someone who can help you. I also suggest you contact one of the hotlines listed on my stories page, depending on where you live, in order to talk to someone confidentially, someone who can help you with your options. Thank you for sharing more of your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Apr 21, 2010
Having wealthy parents who give you the best and want the best for you is not everything
by: maurice

Oh beautiful teenager/young adult girl/woman please don't be afraid. You have been abused. keeping it secret won't help YOU. I am sure your parents are loving and caring and want what is the best for you. You know that, if you find it difficult to relate with the the truth about what that very bad man who has abused his power and position abusing you sexually. emotionally no too because it is still effecting you. Hi you have that friend let her be your inner strength to get help NOW. Don't let a day or a week go by without putting your trust in someone that you know will listen and respect you for telling on that beast of a man. You not alone owe it to yourself, think of the other beautiful girls who he is abusing not maybe. Sageguard them from him. he is a dangerous man in the teaching profession. You are a big girl now, you are certainly more understanding of what he did to you. You are gifted/tallented and highly intelligent in your own right so love and acknowledge that PLease, pretty please, Darlene with her huge womans heart has written loving and honest words to you from her heart; act on them, don't delay, she knows best, great you found her website, she truly is a good professional steward of her website. It is a safe place to tell your one's story without fear. There is a caring loving family on this site of her visitors, all of whom were abused in one form or another who have begun the process of healing and recovery from here beacuse of Darlene's re-assuring them with her empatising and loving words. Now you be strong, there is safety in numbers so be active and alive in team and cultural activities with your peers. Have a healthy mind in a healthy body. Be strong if you see that pervert or sicko on the side line tell your friends and team mates about him. You know he is not there for any good. Always believe in yourself. build up your self worth and your self esteem, have the best mirror image of yourself. Think positive, act positive and be positive in all you do and say about yourself. be gentle and kind to your body, soothe and rub in beautiful oils and lotions especially make beautiful the parts that Bad man did to them. I CAN: I WILL: I MUST: BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT. Get the message special one. I am special, believe it, now cuddle and hug love into that body of your, there's no one looking and it is not a silly thing to be asked to do. Be pro-active in doing what Darlene asked you to do in her comments 1 and 2 parts of your telling. You ain't doing it for her or my good but for the good of yourself.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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