Comments for Child Abuse Story From Kimberly

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Sep 10, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Your uncle is a pedophile, one who knows that you're going to keep this a secret. He won't stop until you are too old for him, or he is MADE to stop. And he WILL molest other young girls; that is the nature of his twisted sickness. He will not stop. In spite of what you believe, people AREN'T stupid for telling you to tell. And I can assure you, many of the people who visit this site KNOW exactly what you're saying when you say it's not easy. It ISN'T easy. I know that better than anyone. There is always the fear of not being believed, and the fear that you'll break up your family, plus a host of other fears. I suggest you contact one of the hotlines listed on my stories page, depending on where you live, in order to talk to someone confidentially. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Sep 10, 2010
Be Brave: Be strong. Tell on HIM:
by: maurice

Kimberly: Your parents have failed you badly: They love you but they don't protect you from that beast of a brother of your father's: That is all he is a beast: Paedophille out and out: He is one bad man Kemberly: You know deep down what he is doing is very wrong to you: I am sure you have a friend or two that you trust and have told what this sicko of a man is doing to you: Ask them to hold your hand and do what Darlene is asking you to do: TELL ON HIM; TELL ON HIM: Your parents maybe more loving of you then you might imagine: Mention it to your Mom: Mothers can be more understanding and trusting of their children: If she or they don't believe you then tell a school counsellor or a teacher you trust: I know, you don't want happen to other beautiful little girls that he is doing to you: Be brave: be strong and tell on him: The most important person to take notice of is Darlene and her loving words to you: She knows best Kimberly: Don't blame yourself none of what that sicko is doing to you you can't help: Please be safe:

Sep 13, 2010
Please Find Happiness Kimberly
by: Anonymous

Hi Kimberly!

I am a male survivor of sexual abuse! I can relate to how you feel. The best advice I can give you is to love life. Sexual abuse is wrong and deplorable, but believe me, life does not suck. This was my way of thinking for many years. But I later discovered that it is my choice to be happy or angry. I chose the latter, and I can say that I am happy today! Choosing happiness over anger is somewhat a way og taking your power back! Be strong, there are more beautiful things then ugly things in life!

I truly hope you find inner peace, as I wish this to any human that goes through such deplorable experiences in life find inner peace! Happiness isn't far; we tend to look for it in the wrong places. It is within you, I promise you that! I'm no genius, my words are simply words from the depths of my heart! Be strong, love life, love yourself as you are special, just like all of us who mean well in life. Its a matter of staying on the right path!



Oct 09, 2010
Dont give up
by: Anonymous

Fist of all kimberly you have to know there is a God.And once you beleive in Him,all your problems)specially that man)will go away.

Oct 26, 2010
no god
by: Anonymous

hi kim yea are rite there is no god i say **** god dont pray to him its all on you

Oct 29, 2010
I am a winner in my own right: I'm the best:
by: maurice

My heart is still with you Kimberly: I pray for you because I have Faith in the God I believe in who I believe created me ever so beautiful: Cool: one in a million: Special and Unique: Nobody elase like me: I don't blame the God i believe in as allowing someone to abuse me even though the person who did was a God Man: living in a Religious Community: He was a pervert of his own making: There were 15 other Good men there who were all respectful of me and all the boys in that school: I rememebr when I walked with the homeless on the streets of London: That you can't feed God into a hungry belly: I believe that to be true it is hard to make sense of God to someone who is hurting/painging from abuse: Kimberly love yourself: Be gentle on yourself: care for your every personal need: LOVE yourself: Look in that mirror and Scream out I LOVE ME: or go out into a wide open space and scream out I love me: Hug and cuddle yourself: I will: I can: I must because I AM WORTH IT: My heart is in this comment for you as it was in my last comment to you:

Nov 04, 2010
wrong about god
by: Anonymous

girl i kno u been threw alot but god didi make thows things happend to you and he is real he loves you GOD LOVES YOU what u should be saying is there is a devil and hes a b***h he likes to ruin lives i use to say there is no god but i changed and i started believing and he changed my life its actully some what good not kinda god ir real just believe he will help and it will get better trush me

Apr 05, 2011
God obviously wanted me to be born I was no mistake:
by: maurice

Kimberly: With so many millions out there of different faith's and traditions etc who accept there is a God or a higher being than the human one: In time I am certain you will realize God or that higer being is a loving ONE: slowly working through the genuine human being to make LOVE real: Mans/womans inhumanity to each other is the mystery for me to try and understand: Even in family life where abuse takes place: In society where abuse takes place on the innocent and the vunerable: FEAR being a huge part of that abuse of another mostly adult human beings: Be they Father's Mother's Step Father's Guardians of the young: All instill fear into their beautiful tender hearted innocent child/adolecent teenager young male or female: Don't tell, etc. It is that Kimberly that helps me to accept a loving God or higher being who only wants goodness in the human society around me: There are great people around us all who make life real and worth living out of love and respect for each other: Kimberly I sure hope you are in a better space NOW since I last left you a comment: I sure hope you read darlene's comment and acted on her loving, encourageing advice:

Jun 15, 2011
Kimberly their is a god
by: Lucielle brent owens

Kimberly i know what your going through after what your uncle has done to you.

Darlene putted her soul into her words for you. And i'll do the same thing.

Kimberly, their is a god and he watches over us. He knows what has been done wrong but he forgives us for what we have done, he knows that you'll never forgive your uncle.

Believe their is a god.

Jun 16, 2011
by: maurice

Don't give up on yourself: Darlene sure put you on a confidence trip: self belief: self esteem: self worth: You will sure be a winner because you a gifted: you are tallented: you are intelligent: I am: I will tell on my uncle: I don't want another child molested by his hands: He is rotten to the core he is a pedophille: animal/beast not a nice man around beautiful innocent children: get him out of the equation: respect for You: Darlene and her visitors with courage I can't full express what I would do with him: So Kimberly just put him out of sight of the innocent as you were: Read Darlene's comment take a piece of her heart into yours:

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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