Comments for Child Abuse Story From Josie W

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Jul 08, 2009
Silent no more...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Josie, love WAS warped in your home. Indeed, it wasn't love at all. And yes, in reflection, love will never come to pass, but only because reflection is the Past. There is now only the Present moment; and in the Present, love is all there is: Love of yourself, love of Who You Really Are. Nothing of you is gone, not when you embrace Who You Really Are. And Who You Really Are is far more than the experiences you endured, either as a child or as a grown woman. Josie, you are silent no more. You have spoken the truth by writing your story here for others to read, for others to hear, for others to understand. There can be tremendous healing in that act alone. But it can't stop there. If you aren't in some form of counselling, I highly recommend you seek it out. You didn't deserve to be beaten and sexually assaulted. You DO deserve help for the fact that you were.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Jul 08, 2009
no signs of emminent escape but escape you must.
by: maurice

Josie W, The bigness of house or grandeur is not a sign of bigness in LOVE or anything that matters to us as human beings. I've sat with people who grew up in fancy and big houses with their parents the king pins of society they moved in. The hidden life they lived once they turned the key on the front door was in complete contradiction to being hail fellow well met with their so called friends and colleagues. Josie W thank you your the sad proof of that in your life today. Great you found Darlene's site, You put your own abuse in a nutshell cruelly beaten and sexually used for your father's gratification when ever. Professional people, my bottom. They deserve to be fed to the Lions for all they put you through. Hi Josie, Darlene has given you words of hope, words of love, words for you to use as stepping stones to move on in your life. There's mountains of intelligence in you. use it to make real sense of Darlene's comment back to you. Rebuild the confidence in yourself that your father knocked out of you by all his remarks in his ignorance addressed to you. He sure did you a disservice. Your own self worth, self esteem is the most important thing for you to acknowledge NOW in your life. Find a long Mirror for yourself and stand with that beautiful woman in all her prettiness looking back at you. Say the most kindest, loving, gentle, caressing words affirmation to that wonderful woman in the mirror. Think Positive thoughts and express them to that special woman in the mirror. I can guarantee you will feel so good that you'll hug that person to bits for the rest of your life. Hi you have a friend or two who know you true and true whom you've shared your most intimate with. walk with them upwards and onward in your life. Let them hug you back to your real and beautiful self. I can, I will, I must just for me. Say to that confident thinking young woman in the mirror I can accomplish anything I want in my life. Be a healer of yourself. Get the counselling Darlene knows will help you Josie W. Go for it. I LOVE ME

Jul 08, 2009
My mother
by: Resa

*My* mother wrote these words.
*My* mother is a strong survivor and an example of a shining soul that bestows her light upon all that her words touch.
*My* mother is my hero.

Josie, My Mom, I love you so much and the world would not be the same without you.
Thank you for bringing me into this world Thank you for being the mother to me that you never had for yourself.
I am SO very proud of you.

I love you with all of my heart,

Jul 08, 2009
Such cruelty
by: Francine

Josie, I understand what you went through. My parents put me through slightly similar stuff (minus the belt and the burning, thank goodness!) and everyone outside of my "family" has always loved them. Have you tried counselling? I wish you and your kids all the best.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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