Comments for Child Abuse Story From Ellen Marie

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May 04, 2009
You've refused to keep the secret...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Ellen Marie, I commend and applaud that you are no longer keeping this secret. Your family needs to know. No matter what happens as a result of telling, always remember that what happened to you wasn't your fault. The fault lies squarely on the shoulders of your perverted excuse for a father. Whether or not he was a drunk, whether or not he was drinking at the time, there are NO excuses for what he did to you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. He physically and sexually assaulted you. Chances are he sexually assaulted your sisters as well.

Your father was damaged; seriously so. Whatever happened to him in his childhood left him broken as a human being; again, no excuses, just possible explanations for his deplorable and criminal acts against you, your sisters and your mum.

Of course you would only want his love; that is a basic need for children. And you would have clung to those times where he did show you love. And you would have wanted to protect him, even when you knew in your heart that what he was doing was wrong. But that doesn't make you responsible, Ellen Marie. He took advantage of your vulnerabilities and your helplessness. Even your crying pleas as a little girl went unheeded by him. His precious little girl was crying and begging him to stop, but he kept going anyway. A truly loving father would NEVER do what he did to you. He was twisted in his thinking and should be in prison for his criminal acts against you.

And now the emotional repercussions of his criminal acts have been lifelong for you. He betrayed you in the worst way. No one was there to protect you and keep you safe from harm. No one was there to put their arms around you and tell you "I love you and no one will ever hurt you again." No one was there to tell. No one was there to believe you. If you had felt there was someone there you could tell, someone who would believe you, you would have told.

I believe you, Ellen Marie, I believe you.

Now that you have told your husband and family, I'd say it's time to talk to a counsellor, someone who can help you with the emotional residue of what you endured. Your father cared nothing of your needs; but you can show yourself some caring and love by getting the help you need. You deserve that kind of help, Ellen Marie.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 04, 2009
oh how brave you are, acknowledgeing that you were abused
by: maurice

Ellen Marie, for your own peace of mind and future happiness you've found Darlen's site. Your safe haven and place to tell your story of abuse. You are sadly of the generation of children especially daughters who were abused by their Fathers who did it under th cover of hard work and drinking. Coming home drunk was the normal and the sad period when mothers used to say to their children wait till your father comes home.Taking his belt was the normal way he physiacally abused his dauthers as children/teenagers/young adults or until they left home. He was such a powerful figure in the household back then. Domestic Violence was rife as well so he instilled fear into all the family when he was drunk. Great you have acknowledged that he abused you you Ellen Marie. Great you are so brave and so strong to relate it to your husnband and family who believe and listen to you. Darlene's site is a power house of safe telling of your story. she is most caring, loving, understanding and does emphatise with each single visitor to her site and respects each one individually in their telling. Her words of love and help to you work through them with your loving husband and family and get the help you need now for your own peace of mind and happiness and that of your family. You owe it to yourself to make your life worth living.

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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