Comments for Child Abuse Story From Darcie

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Aug 12, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Aug 12, 2010
Sorry =\
by: Anonymous

I Know How You Feel , Im Sure Youve Been Tld That Alot But I Honestly Do I Myself Am Abused . Tho Ive Never Been Raped My Younger Sister Who Is Nine Has And My Brother Who Is Five Has Been Some What Molested ; Which Is Nothing Compared To Your Pain . But Im So Sorry For You =/

Aug 14, 2010
How Brave, How courageous: You deserve all the love that can be showered on you
by: Maurice

Oh Darcie: Bad, Bad, Man, Men, Beasts, Animals; You are one very brave and courageous Child, Teenager, A daughter of a horror house: Oh Darcie: It will take you along time but you will overcome all of what those very sick men put your through and did to you: Don't call him your Father even though he was: He does not deserve that name: A coward: Running away knowing if he is caught he will get his just punishment: Locked away for good evn the law is an ass: Beacuse here in Ireland the have freed a rapest for good behaviour after ten years putting the fear in ever woman and their childre once again: I just can;t understand It Darcie: At 14 years of age you have alot of living to do NOW: You have been ever so brave to write the truth: Now be brave enough to get help for yourself and your brothers: I am certain your Foster Home will help and get thathelp for you: Don't Quit on yourself: Always believe in yourself: That is exactly what Dalene did when she decided to overcome the abuse she was receieving at the hands of her mother and Father: She too was brave and now she empowers all her visitors to be brave: Darcie read Darlene's story and you will know then what to do: You are intelligent, don't give up on education: Hi, begin to love the beautiful me child in you and start having a good mirror image of yourself: Think Positive: Act Positive: be positive in all you think and say about your self: Say I am rather than I'm Not. I am very special, I am wonderful and great. I am beautiful: I can be gentle and kind to myself and my body so brutally abused by sicko's of the male species: I am trying very hard not to imaginge the state you tender body was like after all those beatings and rape and abuse: Darcie please, please get counselling: Trust in yourself and I am certain you have a very special friend hopefully a girl like you who knows and feels what you have been forced through by these Beast's Take your time building relationships until you are ready for it and you are in charge of your own destiny: I will: I can: I must: because I am WORTH it. Always believe in yourselfDarcie

Aug 14, 2010
Touching and inspirational
by: Anonymous

I am just a reader, yet tears dripped down my cheeks when i read this. You are unbelievably strong, and not weak at all. The fact that you opened up and fought so hard for so long is a miracle on its own. You are an amazing girl, and i wish you all the luck and love of a childhood you missed out on. You are an inspiration, and one day you will find a guy who likes you for who you are as a person. All the best.

Aug 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

when i read this, i felt so terrible and sad.
You were and are so young..and with the things you've been though it's just so terrible. I hope Life will soon go your way. Be brave.

Aug 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Write. Write in a notebook, write about anything you want. Just write. And write & write.

It helps.

Are you getting counseling through the system or school? If not - maybe ask at school if there's someone. If not...WRITE. Write write write.

I hate you had to go through this. It's going to be a long road but no matter what remember - you deserved better. You are worth more than your father said. You are someone.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life