Comments for Child Abuse Story From Comelian

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Aug 22, 2009
You are NOT alone...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Comelian, what your grandfather did and said is typical of child molesters. And what is happening in your family is also typical. Just understand that you were probably NOT the only victim.

You will find MANY stories on this site similar to yours. But you'll have to find them using the alphabetized sitemaps on the site. Stories posted prior to July have extensive comments from me. I strongly recommend you read them and apply those comments to yourself.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

P.S. Comelian, I must pass along that this site is a place for people to write their stories and be heard and validated through the writing process. There is no guarantee that visitors will respond (although many do) and I can no longer personally offer in-depth comments to my contributors, which is why I removed your questions. I thank you for your understanding.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 24, 2009
You have to talk
by: Stacy Lynn

You definitely are not alone my abuser was the perfect picture of a step father my abuse was under the guise of sexual education. Dont ever feel like your alone there are so many message boards, hotlines, and websites that can help you with your feelings. I also highly suggest you find a support system. I havent gone into complete details with anyone but when im having flashbacks or bad memories and even feeling guilty sometimes I have people who wont judge and talk me through my situation. I read you were looking for stories comparable to yours. My abuse was not vicious either so read part of my story its StacyLynn and I think its on the same page as your story.

Aug 25, 2009
you'll never walk alone again.
by: maurice

Human beings, Human Hearts are the same the world over no matter where one's abuse takes place. Comelian you are not alone NOW. Darlene site is your new found haven of love and support. We are all one big family now and Darlene is truly a companion worth having on our journey. Now on your journey, Her words to you are truly from her huge heart. She is gifted and professional in sharing her words with each of her visitors no matter the form of abuse one has suffered. She knows, she's been through it, she's worn the T'Shirt of abuse. She's one remarkable Woman. Comelian begin to heed her words to you and I am certain you'll see another side of you that you may not yet have acknowledged about yoursefl. I'M BEAUTIFUL, I'M SPECIAL, I'M UNIQUE, AND I CAN LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. Say I can, I will, I must. I can truly be gin to answer the question. Who an I ?? honestly. Acknowledge you were molested and abused by this sneaky Grandfather. It was not me or my fault build on those words. Always believe in yourself. You have I am certain a friend or two who you share your intimate thoughts and feeelings with and with such a big family I am sure you came close to one or two of them ore than the others. Hi Comelian have a few heart to heart sharings with a Therapist or a Counsellor just to give you courage to let go of what that sneaky man did to you. LOVE yourself, Respect yourself. build on your self worth, your self esteem, Look in that mirror and see the hunk of the ME and say good wholesome positive thought and things to your beautiful self. Era go on say I love me and give yoursefl one big huge HUG. I'm 62 YEARS OF AGE AND I DO IT FROM TIME TO TIME. I let others hug me too. my closest and most trusted of friends. it is a good feeling and fill one with the highest admirtaion on oneself. Aussie's are human beings too you know.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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