Comments for Child Abuse Story From Brieanna

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May 12, 2009
Fear can be paralyzing...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Brieanna, you obviously fear this man, but you must do what you must in order to ensure you are safe. I suggest you contact your local victim services through your police department to learn what you can do to further protect yourself. If they can't help you, contact a women's shelter for resources.

But just so you know, men like your father are cowards. They prey on the young, innocent and vulnerable because those are the people who cannot protect themselves. You, Brieanna, CAN protect yourself because you are no longer vulnerable. You have strength and power. I know this because you've already survived the worst of it and because you are here speaking out about what happened to you.

As for your father "murdering" your brother and making it look like a suicide...I don't know how it is you've come to suspect this. What can happen is that as children we come to believe something without knowing all the details, or we believe certain things are true based on misconceptions. I have no idea what happened with your brother, but your father seems to have used what you suspect about this to his advantage. He's kept control over you with what you believe about his part in your brother's death. Whether it's fact or not, what's important is for you to take your power back.

Always understand that what happened to you was not your fault; fault lies solely on the shoulders of your sex offending father. YOU didn't deserve what he did to you. HE deserved to go to prison for what he did to you. YOU deserved love and nurturing, dignity and respect. HE didn't have that to give you. YOU have that to give to yourself, Brieanna. I strongly urge you to seek out some form of counselling in order to help you with the emotional turmoil and fear you are experiencing. A counsellor can help you deal with all of this. You were so brave to go to the authorities with what your father did to you. Now you must be brave again and get help for yourself.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 12, 2009
Oh please make yourself safe by surrounding yourself with people your really trust with your life.
by: maurice

Brieanna, Darlene is sure your source of building up your self worth and self confidence. You sure have lived through far too much to deal with it on your own. You were ever so brave and so strong to tell Darlene and her many visitors with a detailed account of what that Man did to you. He certainly does not deserve the name as your father. Oh certainly being put away for such a short time is not punishment enough for him. He should be never put back into society in all the stuff he carried out on you. Brieanna, Darlene's words of loving care for you are the ones you must work with to make yourself Safe from this sicko in mind Man. I know you will love yourself enough to hold hands with your closest and trusting of friends to be your body guards should this man ever try to come with 100 yards of you. He seems capable of anything according to your story. Prepare well in advance before he gets out to let the authorities know or put in place a plan to warn him off that will really scare him enough to stay away from you. Brieanna. He has done you harm and you must heal yourself of the scars he made with his belt on you. The reals scars are the mental ones you've suffered so please get real help to let go of them. Darlene knows best so please really take notice of what she has advised you to do to get help. Be Safe Brieanna. You are a very precious teenager child of the universe and child of God.

May 12, 2009
I'm at loss for words
by: Francine

Brieanna, I'm sorry that you didn't have a good father. Are you with your mother? As for your deceased brother, I hope he did not die in vain and that he would R.I.P. You might want to take counseling.

Aug 19, 2011
You have to tell! You owe it to your brother!
by: Anonymous

After these 2 years he'll come for you! You poor thing I cant even imagine what you've been trough. If you tell them what happend he will probably never hurt you again. You are so brave, and no child deserves that, i am so sad, it's just awful.

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From Victim to Victory
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How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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