Comments for Child Abuse Story From Angelica1

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Apr 30, 2009
Don't keep the secret...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Angelica, while I thank you for sharing more of your story with my visitors and me, your sanity and well-being are at stake. You are not safe under the same roof with this man. TELL someone what your father did to you. Tell your mother. Tell a trusted teacher. Tell your school counsellor. Tell, tell, tell. As long as you keep the secret, he will continue to be a threat to you and others. If you refuse to tell, nothing can or will change. Change can only come when you stand up for yourself by speaking up. He continues to have power over you, but you can shift the power, you can take your power back by no longer staying quiet.

Stay in counselling, but please consider contacting Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). They are staffed 24/7 with professionally trained counsellors who will listen to you. They are not a reporting agency, although they can help you through the process of reporting. And so can your psychologist. It's not death you want; you want to be out of pain. There are people out there who want to help, but you must reach out to them first. Don't ever forget, Angelica, you ARE a survivor.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 01, 2009
You must have found some solace when you connected to Darlene's site
by: maurice

Great you returned to hear from Darlene supporting and loving words of where you should go to for more help NOW. You are not being fair to your beautiful and lovely self to be living with that man in the house. Try, try very hard to pluck up your inner strength with the help of your friend (s) and tell on your Father. You will feel such rleieve Angelica 1. you'll be very proud of yourself. Ain't easy but you owe it for the good of your health and future happiness. As always Darlene is the one to heed she has those loving helpful words for you.

May 01, 2009
Tell him to leave
by: Judy

You really need to get your father out of your house immediately. Do you live in an apartment? Chances are that you can not have anyone living in the home without being on the lease. Talk to the office manager and ask them to send you a letter stating that they have noticed someone may be living in your unit and then state their rules. You can then have them tape it to your door or mail it so that you can show your father. This will not hurt your tenancy but you can always explain to them that you want to abide by the rules but that your guest seems to want to stay and you don't know how to tell them to leave. They will appreciate you coming to them and they will send you that letter without it being in your file, etc. I did this for my parents when they had unwanted guests and it worked. You need to think of yourself and yourself only at this point. Please continue to seek counseling and be honest with them. Please have faith and know that you can make it through this but you can't make it through if that 'so-called' father is in your presence. You are not safe with him in your household period! Put him out - do not care whether or not he has a place to go - that is up to him as your are not his caretaker but his victim. Best to you! Judy

May 01, 2009
Tell and take the power back
by: Greg

Please listen to Darlene and tell, tell, tell. Remember that you are a self-reliant person and a survivor who had the courage to seek help which is a huge step that many don't take. I don't know the situation but you need to get as far away from your monster(Dad) as possible. Go live with a friend, a stranger or even a homeless shelter. Anything would be better than living with that monster. You have already gone through so much and are a very strong woman and you can make it. You have so much to live for and you can take the power back. Please take Darlene's advice.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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