Comments for Child Abuse Story From Allie

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Sep 24, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Your stepfather is sick and twisted in his thinking and actions. Although you may well be safe from this abuser, you will likely have to deal with the repercussions of the abuse at some point in the future. Please consider talking to a counselor at college. Until you deal with the pain of coming from such abuse, and the fact that no one was their to protect you and keep you safe from harm, this will haunt you. You deserve better than that. And follow your instincts; he is NOT to be trusted. Consider talking to your mother about all this. If she's not supportive, then find people in your life who are. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Sep 25, 2010
So many crimes committed...
by: Anonymous

Allie, your so-called step-dad is truly cruel and sadistic and he should go to jail for all those terrible crimes that he committed against you, so the sooner you tell somebody about it, the better. Darlene is right! Please tell somebody you really trust.

Sep 25, 2010
Always believe in yourself: Get help: You'll be fine
by: maurice

Allie: I believe you are on track to overcome your childhood awful abuse at the hands of that Animal sadistic cruel Step-Father: that is all he is and was: He won;t change so keep miles far from being alone with hime: I think you have that bit sorted already but make sure you be safe when you visit your Mother: It would be great if you both are close as mother daughter should be: At 19 I am sure you can have a woman to woman talk as well as telling her the truth about how did sicko beat you: The most important person to take notice of NOW is Darlene in her comment to you: She sure has picked up on what you have so bravely and honestly written: She knows the feelings and the effects you are wanting to deal with so you can get on with living your life to the full now at nineteen: Her words are from her heart to you: A womans heart to another young woman's heart: I am certain you will act on her loving words and encouragement as to what to do now: ALLIE let your motto be simple: say: I will: I can:: I must: because I am WORTH it; I, Darlene, and her many visitors want what is the best for you right NOW: I am sure you want what is the best for you right NOW to so you can erase and let go of those painful beatings and bruisings from his belt: His fists, his hands: Now that you are in College can I ask you to think about having a healthy mind in a healthy body: What you missed out on not being able to take part with your friends and class mates in games and team sports while at school: I believe this is one sure way to get to know natrural and true likeminded peers your own age and gender: Start being proud of your self and that beautiful body of yours: He absued it: begin being gentle and kind to it NOW: erase those weilds and bruises by soothing your body with the modern day oils and creams making you feel good all over: Yes all over Allie: Show off your giftedness and tallents innthe company of your team mates: Yo'll make genuine and true friends for life: Always believe in yourself: Your motto Allie: I will; I can etc; great you want to move on now that you are in the best place you've ever been in your life: Stay Safe: Be safe: Value and respect yourself enough so in turn you'll make sure others will do like wise in a relationship: Have at least one if not two female good friends whom you can be truly yourself with: They will stand by you: Help you to be safe on look out for you: friendship is a two way thing so you'll be watching out for them too: My final words to you is please oh please read Darlene's comment to you: She surely has your best interests at heart: You'll respect that: Counselling is one sure way of putting all you were forced through by that animal of a man: Allie look in the mirror and say positive stuff about yourself to the me looking out at you: Motto Allie: I will etc:

Sep 25, 2010
You Give Me Hope
by: Rey

Alle, what your stepfather has done to you was extremely horrific, but you pulled out and turned into a very strong individual. You are taking control of your own life and not letting your past control your life.....your future. Someone as special, and strong like you will go on to live an AMAZING life....unlike your dirtbag stepfather. Keep being strong.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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