Comments for Child Abuse Story From Adam

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Mar 20, 2011
by: Adam

Your parents may well have used God as their reasons for your being here, but in truth, they are not godly people. Godly people do not attack their precious son and use whatever they can against him. That's not devotion; it's despicable. You ARE enough, Adam. You ARE smart. You ARE worthy to be here and to be treated with dignity and respect. I'll repeat, you ARE worthy to be here. The world can and will be a better place because you're here. Don't ever forget that. Your parents are sick in the mind. Their words are powerful in that they are breaking you down. But you have options. You have a choice, Adam: to believe in what your obviously disturbed parents are saying, or to believe in the power you have in your SELF. I choose your SELF, because that is the true you. Please consider contacting one of the hotlines listed on my stories page, depending on where you live, in order to talk to someone confidentially. You certainly deserve the help. Hang in there, and always remember that in spite of your parents, you ARE lovable and worthy of love. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Mar 20, 2011
by: GPM

Adam, we are all accidents- and if planned we will be an accident waiting to happen. But you must see that you have worth wether your family members see worthiness in you or not.

See, I'm a firm believer in the notion that if a person is continually told they are worthles, they will become what they are told they are. If so, then you are right about living a lie. But the lie is about your life, it's about the people who don't really know you. And that can happen with family members- they didn't want you, they don't want you, and they don't want to know you.But let tell you a secret. The pain you feel, is the pain they can't deal with, and have transfered to you.

When I have a delima I really don't want to confront, but I know I'm going to have to deal with anyway, I go to a spritual place inside me where I know I'm safe and secure. There I can just meditate and contemplate my delima. I always thought I was alone there, but I wasn't. There's a lot of comfort in finding the spiritual you and your place.

You're not dumb, you are wanted, and you are going to get through this. Yhe opposite of a lie is the truth. Seek it out. Just might put a smile on your face.

Mar 21, 2011
by: Adam

My parents, i am here and that is all they need to know. They feel the need to excert their beliefs on me. They disregard my feelings and expect me to be obedient.
I like a boy but because they do not like him it is wrong. I was happy to admit to my parents that i had found someone i liked.
Now i belong in hell.

Mar 22, 2011
Always believe in yourself: You'll be the winner over your parents
by: maurice

Telling a sixteen year, highly intelligent child of parent's he will be a winner over them: Adam my Adam I am taking this as Darlene's comment back to you: It is her heart I read coming through those affirming and re-assuring words to you: They will empower you to be a winner: you'll be a respectful winner because you realize they are controllers of your mind and life: God is LOVE so parents using Godly sentences who don't Love and cherish their beautful gift and child from God: They sure ain't good or Godly people: Adam: speak with a teacher, or school counsellor: your making sense of and living your life to the full is the most important for you: Adam having a healthy mind in a healthy body is the safeguard for you to do that: This will mean getting involved with your own age and gender taking part in team sports, sporting and cultural activities being active and alive: You will, I guarantee you Adam be surrounded by natural and real friends with loads of aquaintances as like-minded as yourself: There is safety in numbers Adam: Your parents should know you are gifted, special, tallented with leadership quailities once you take part in school and college with your friends: Physical Education programs in schools help to build up and form the whole person and not just there minds: Adam I want what is the best for you: Darlene wants what is the best for you: Now you must want it for yourself: I WILL: I CAN: I MUST: Beacuse I am WORTH it: Adam: open the window of your room each morning and look out as far as the eye can see or up and set your dreams/hopes/ horizons and make the differnece in your life: Have a good and true friend to walk with you: speaking with a counsellor is positive thinking:

Mar 25, 2011
by: Tiffany

First of all i am a very big fan of Jesus, i am a christian and always will be BUT
the way your parents treat you is wrong!

i personally do not think that being a christian means you have to be heterosexual. if you like guys then you like guys.

please do not connect your parents with god because what they are showing you is definitively not christ like.

Mar 26, 2011
be brave: Be Strong: Love your beautiful Self
by: maurice

Adam: your parents need a course on proper parenting but you don't tell them that: It is good for you to know though so that you might keep believeing in yourself: Your own self WORTH; your giftedness, your tallents, your leadership qualities: Your highly intelligent your grades pove that to you and I am certain your Teachers acknowledge that: Your doing your best and you are getting good grades: Your Value and respect yourself and your body: Speak with a counsellor oh yes Adam he/she will put your thinking and reasoning into perspective for you: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: As you mature and grow in your own right you'll make sense of your sexuality, your friendships and your realtionships: Always believe in YOURSELF: I am the most important child ever born: My Paretns mean well,want what is best for them in me: Be safe, be strong and in time you'll be free'er to live your own life: It is hard right now but you'll be fine: Think Positive: Act Positive: Be positive in all you do and say about yourself: You have a mind of your own:

Apr 21, 2011
My own stuff
by: Adam

Not sure what happened, maybe it because i released some tension by actually admiting that my life is wrong. My parents have not changed but i have. I no longer just sulk in my room wishing my family would just like me. I am 16 and the other day i was picking up tree blossom and throwing it in my friends faces. I was laughing and having fun and it felt great. Weekends i am hardly ever home except to sleep. School is great, its easter so there is none LOL. I have not been to church in the last 3 weeks because i have been out with friends. I do not think God will mind in fact i think he will approve because i do feel a tinge of guilt for not going. Seriously though if i talk to a teacher at school will they have to inform my parents. I am feeling good at the moment and i think it might be the right time for me to talk with someone.

Apr 21, 2011
You are so Brave: I really belive this is a turning for the good in your life
by: maurice

Adam: I am feeling good at the momemnt this might be a good time to talk to someone: If you speak to a teacher in total confidence and you feel you can trust this teacher to be a listener, kind, understanding then trust your own insticts: Be safe, stay safe, stay in eduction: ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: I WILL I CAN I MUST BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT: HAVE A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY: TAKE CHAREGE OF YOUR OWN DESTINY: SURROUND YOURSELF WITH LOVING, TRUSTING CARING PEOPLE: ONE OR TWO CALL BUDDIES: FRIENDS: COMPANNIONS ON A JOURNEY: Mu journey: Adam be true to yourself, your friends and true to God:

Jul 27, 2011
Feeling good
by: Adam

Never thought this would happen to me, i mean i was the kid who used to sulk and hide in his room. Constantly listening to other peoples opinions of me. I am staying with a friend over summer, his parents with a lot of influence from my friend invited me. Also i am staying on at school after summer, i want my A-levels because i want to go to university. I want my future not my past. I think that some how my personallity is over powering my parents insults towards me. I do love my parents but they do not always love me which still hurts. Just glad i am away for the summer and its on the coast.

Jul 28, 2011
great and good news Always believe in Yourself
by: maurice

adam It is great news you have the opportunity to see yourself as you truly are special, unique, intelligent able to make choices for your self and that future you want for yourself: Stay in Education, you'll be the winner and your life will blossom as you get older and more maturer in your thinking: great you have that friend and mother that is most important that you have good and true friends: It is a pity still that your parents are still not loving and cherishing as they should: You think positive, act positive and be positive in all you say and want for your happiness Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Oh yes that is one sure way to blooson and show off your gifts and tallents and share them with others: Get out and about with your own age and gender, joining teams, play games and you'll make real friends for life among your team mates: Dream your dreams and make the difference that you know will ensure your future of greatness for your self: ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF I will I can I must because I am WORTH it

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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