Comments for Child Abuse Story From A Girl

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May 19, 2009
You are in grave danger...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You need help, Miss Girl. You need to tell someone about what you are dealing with at home. You are in danger from your mother and her drug addicted drug dealing "friends". She is putting you in harms way each and every day. She is volatile and dangerous to you because the drugs have taken over her brain. She drives high while you are in the car. She puts you at risk every time she takes you on a drug run. If she was in her right mind, she would NEVER do any of these things. You are being and/or have been neglected, emotionally abuse, physically abused and sexually abused. But I think you already know all that. You don't need me to tell you this.

Please talk to a school counsellor about your home life. I also urge you to contact Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) in order to talk to someone about the abuse you are still dealing with. They are staffed 24/7 with professionally trained counsellors who will listen to you. They are not a reporting agency, although they can help you through the process of reporting if you decide to disclose the abuse. And you need to disclose the abuse; otherwise, nothing can or will change in your life.

Miss Girl, you do not deserve to be mistreated. You DO deserve love and nurturing and dignity and respect. You are NOT stupid; you are highly intelligent and articulate. You are NOT ugly; you are beautiful in your own right. You are NOT any of those disgusting things and names your mother calls you. It's the drugs that have seriously affected your mother's ability to take care of you, and they have also taken over her ability to think with any clarity. This is HER problem, a problem she needs professional help (and you need help too). You are not to blame for any of it, Miss Girl. Never lose sight of that. Please call Child Help. They are in a much better position to help you than I, or any of my visitors, are.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 19, 2009
Through no fault of yours
by: Maurice

Miss Girl, you certainly need all the love, care, kindness, understanding, gentleness and trust of very close and dear friends whom you can really trust with all you've related to Darlene and her many visitors. 1/2 friends will be enough and I 'm sure you have them outside the circle of your mams friends. She is not a good mother to you having you mixing with them when she's out doing her drugs. No child deserves that environment to learn about life. You are a very intelligent girl and you relate your lifes story very articulately and make it ever so real. It is abuse, you are slowly being put in danger of falling into the trap of drugs. Get out and away from that environment Miss Girl. Darlene as is her usual given you very helpful suggestions to do something and knows the danger you are being put in by your mother. Please heed her words to you

May 19, 2009
Your not alone!
by: K.C.

Hi miss girl,

I am so sorry to hear about your mom, I wonder why she does so many drugs. I am really proud of you for not getting into drugs and for sticking up for yourself and saying that you are pretty, which I have no doubt that you are.

You are smart for not killing yourself, it might seem hard right now but I hope that life will better for you.

I would get out of that house and go live with one of your family memebers that cares about you. That is what I would do. You do whatever you think is best.

Best of wishes to you. Good luck!

May 19, 2009
To A Girl:
by: Anonymous

Miss Girl, your mother is wrong. You are not stupid; you are not ugly; you are smart, beautiful, articulate and worthy of love and respect, both of which you were cruelly denied of. If you go to school now, please tell someone on her cuz what she did to you is sadistic. My mom calls me those names, too. I am thinking of you, Miss Girl. Darlene, K.C. and Maurice are right. Please tell someone before it's too late. Don't wait too long!

May 20, 2009
Please Tell Someone
by: Judy

Hello Miss Girl - Please listen to all of the advice given to you here on this site. You are deserving of a much better life and it can all start with telling a trusted adult. Please get help before your mother ends up trading you for drugs - it happens all the time with children. I don't trust anyone on drugs as it seems they will do anything to get them and putting their children's lives at stake is no guilt trip for them. I will keep you in my prayers. Judy

May 20, 2009
We all care!
by: K.C.

We all care about you miss girl. We care about you and your well being. Please, please get help before your mother does trade you for drugs as Judy said. We are all worried about you.

May 25, 2009
Moved from submission page
by: A girl - Miss Girl

Its me, a girl, again, see i told my teacher earler this year and they told my counsler at school, and then the councler told cps. When the cps came to my house they questioned me and my mom, but my mom is A VERY GOOD lier and the cps belived her.
i tell my teacher everything, he game me his phone number and said call me anytime if you need anything. so one night my mom and i had a HUGE fight and then when everything finally cooled down and my mom when to sleep i was "brosed" threw the house and i came across some cocain i took that cocaine and hid it(I take/took pictures of the drugs, bruises and other things and made it into a somewhat of a book) and i also took some pictures of it and then i called my teacher to talk, but he didnt pick up so i left a message, and at about 5 in the moring we have the police at our door.
im massively scared of police, i dont no why but i hate them, so when they came i had a anixiey attack and i was hyperventelatting.

soon after that....

I gave the police the book i have been making with pictures of drugs, bruise, the cocaine and a diary, they said it wasnt enough poof and i had a visible brusise on my arm!
they said they would give all this to the cps, but i guess they never did because we didnt talk to them again.

Before i even found this website i called that hotline number and i talked to a guy, lucky did i no that my mom was listening on the phone.
that night turned into hell. :(

I no i dont deseve any of this but i dont wanna go to a foster home, i have ask my aunts if i could live with one of them but they say "NO! i dont want you, you can stay with your mom, you can work it out, its your fault your mom does drugs, its all your fault"
my family doesnt belive anything i say and the police and everyone else doesnt belive a word i say eather so, why speak out again?
its pointless.

my counselor at school suggested about 5 or 6 months ago that i should see a professional therapist and that my insurance WOULD cover it, i asked my next door neighbor if he could drive me to it every week and he said yes! so now my therapist told me i have depression, PTSD, high aneixy, bipolar dissorder and i forgot what its called but i see people/things that arent there. all at 12!
is that even possible?

This year insead of beaing withdrawn from classes, i'm getting introble alot, not doing my work, my been very angry, i have been talking back to my teachers, i have been like the "class clown"
i dont know whats wrong with me latley?!?!

Continued below...

May 25, 2009
Moved from submission page - con't
by: A girl - Miss Girl

earler today my mom and i had a fight and i got it on video tape, and when she started to break down my door,cause i wouldnt open it. i turned on the camera and then after the "fight" she said im gonna go get some pot/cocanine and then stormed out the house,for once i didnt go with her.
now they should belive me.
sorry for this being so long and taking up your time.
i should start cleaning the house before she gets home, mabye when she sees a clean house she might for once be proud of me.
much love,
A GIRL! <33 :)

May 25, 2009
Escalate to CPS supervisor...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Miss Girl, I moved your post into this comments thread because I felt it flowed more naturally here. Submissions get posted on a first-in basis, which is why it has taken so long for your post to show up live on my site.

I am not a doctor, so I'm not in a position to comment on the diagnoses you were given. And I discourage anyone other than a medical professional to offer an opinion on this matter. If you have concerns about the diagnoses you've received, then you'll need to take it up with another doctor.

Child Help is still an excellent number to call for help, but call them from a safe place: school, a friend's house, somewhere other than from your home. Your school counsellor should be able to help you with this.

With all the evidence you have, you can escalate your case with CPS. Contact the case worker's supervisor to get more action. Make the call from school.

You don't want to go into a foster home, I get that. And I don't know if that's what's in the cards with CPS. All I can say is that you need to be in a safe place; and right now, that doesn't seem to be with your mother.

Miss Girl, I'm very sorry but there likely isn't anyone who visits this site that can help you any more than to give you the information I just did. Neither my visitors nor I can circumvent the system, nor does anyone who visits here have a way to get you the help you need. This site is a place to tell your story and get validation and encouragement. Beyond that, my visitors and I can only encourage you to reach out to resources available to you within your community.

Try not to lose faith. You must keep trying. Keep telling until you get the help you need. You deserve that help. You DON'T deserve to be mistreated.

I do wish you all the best, dear.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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