Child Abuse Story From

Child Abuse Story:

This child abuse story from Rose page was created August 2, 2007 and was originally posted on July 23, 2007 as story #165.

Rose is from Norwich, Connecticut, USA

The following child abuse story from Fran depicts: emotional abuse, physical abuse and child neglect

The child abuse effects on Fran: fear, anger, belief that she was weak, the need to stand up to her father and physically defend herself, deep-seeded urge to protect children from harm

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Child Abuse Story From Rose:

Where to begin, Where to begin. I endured two major forms of abuse. One emotional, the other physical. I endured physical pain from my father the emotional from my brother. My mother never knew and I never wanted to trouble her with it.

It all started when I was seven and we moved from Norwich to Chaplin. I was already upset I felt I had lost everything. My mom worked second shift at the local hospital. When she was gone my father would drink and become violent with not my brother, just me.

I'll explain about my brother first. He would in the course of one day do this: First be my best friend, then when I least expected it, turn into a jerk then would expect me to forgive him when he wanted, not when I wanted. After that, when I did forgive him, he would say that we were going to go play a game. NOT a sexual game, just normal kid games. Right before we would do that, he'd get mad again and this time I'd try to not forgive him, but I was WEAK.

My dad was different. It started out as little punishments. I was constipated so I would poop in my pants a lot. Which of course made my father and brother hate me. I even hated myself. Anyways, if he would smell it and I couldn't take off my underwear and hide it in time, he would spank me so that I had shit all over my butt. And he would make me sit in it for as long as 3 days to as little as an hour. I remember once, I hide from him under my bed. This was where the real abuse began. When he saw I had been hiding from him he went psychotic. He took a belt to me. From then on, any little thing I did would call for the belt. He'd use other things too, but if there are some psycho's reading this, I don't want to give them any ideas.

The abuse finally stopped when I was sixteen. My brother had been teasing me and being a jerk all day, as I described above, so I took refuge in my room. My dad came in and was all drunken up. He tried to take the belt to me, only I fought back. When he swung it at me, I grabbed it and screamed, "Enough of this f****** shit. If you touch me or hurt me one more time, I swear to god I will hurt you back." He didn't take me seriously, so he went downstairs to get a pan. He hit me so hard on the head that I fainted. But right before I fainted, I got up took the pan from him hit him hard on the head and said no one hits me without getting hit back. He was so surprised. The police were called because of the noise. They understood the situation at once.

I am now 22 and in college, working towards a medical degree. If a child ever comes to me with mysterious bruises, they aren't leaving until I say they can!

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NOTE: Information pages on this site were based on material from the
Canadian Red CrossCanadian Red Cross RespectED Training Program. Written permission was obtained to use their copyrighted material on this site.


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Child abuse story from Rose was re-formatted June 8, 2015

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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