Child Abuse Story From

Child Abuse Story:

This child abuse story from Jessica2 page was created June 13, 2007 and was originally posted on June 7, 2007 as story #138.

Jessica2 is from North Branford, Connecticut, USA

The following child abuse story from Jessica2 depicts: physical and emotional abuse

The child abuse effects on Jessica2: Jessica did not share the effects the abuse had on her

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Child Abuse Story From Jessica2:

My name is Jessica. At age 3 my parents split up, and I was left in joint custody. I only see my father every other weekend, and I have always lived with my mother.

My mother never really got into the types of romantic relationships you would hope for. She tended to fall for the abusive men. It took a turn though, for the worse.

She met this man named John. He was a tall biker kind of man, with shoulder-length hair, big brown eyes, and he had a daughter, Jessica (ironic), that was just a year older than me. He was nice at first, always taking my mom out on dates, and things that a couple should do, but then he changed. All of a sudden things weren't fun anymore. He started picking fights with her each night, and the anger would get taken out on Jessica and I.

He would drag us across the lawn by our hair, throw us into walls, or belittle us in any way. One time, he took a hammer and held it up, threatening Jessica that if she ever showed fear towards his hand, he would shove that hammer through her skull.

The beatings for Jessica and I got worse. I would have to lie to my family, saying I had simply fallen off bikes and things like that, until the day I had a scabbed face from him running his nails down it.

It was my 6th birthday party, and we left. My mother was furious. She had a miscarriage with his child, and she was tired of it.

We were safe, for then. I was finally happy, and relieved to not have a home with that man. We moved in with my grandparents for the next 5 years, and now we are finally living in our own house, away from the madness.

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Healing the Body, Mind and Spirit My goal is to inspire you, challenge your thoughts, and break open your heart. Your Self already knows you're remarkable and that the world needs you, more now than ever. It's time you know it and believe it too.

Healing the Body, Mind and Spirit

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NOTE: Information pages on this site were based on material from the
Canadian Red CrossCanadian Red Cross RespectED Training Program. Written permission was obtained to use their copyrighted material on this site.


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Child abuse story from Jessica2 was re-formatted June 2, 2015

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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