Comments for Child Abuse Story From Vorbei

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Oct 03, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

There is NOTHING wrong with you. It's not that your parents hate you; it's that they are severely troubled. They have serious problems, and they take those problems out on you. This is NOT about you, it's about THEM. None of this is your fault. And I for one am thrilled that you were born and that you are still with us. The fact that you've written your story here tells me that you are reaching out and that you want to be here too. You are helping so many people by writing your story here. You need help dealing with all of this. If you aren't already in counselling, please talk to your social worker and/or foster parent(s) about seeking it out. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Oct 04, 2010
Your parents are out of control
by: Anonymous

Vorbei, your parents are wrong. You are not stupid; you are very smart and articulate. You are not evil; you are a good person and an angel. You are not ugly; you are beautiful. You are not worthless; you are worthy of love and respect, which, sadly, you were sadistically denied of. Your parents are really twisted, confused and cruel in their own ways of thinking and they need help, so the sooner you tell someone at a group home that you found safety in, the better.

Oct 04, 2010
Don't Quit: YOU be the winner: Always believe in yourself@
by: maurice

Vorbei: please oh please read Darlene's loving comment to you: Accept fully her words It is not my fault: I am not to blame: I'm the the unlucky child born to Parent's who sure are the abusers of me: Treating me as if they did not birth me: Bad and unreal human beings and indeed parents: So Vorbei please oh please speak with a counsellor: have real people close to you who will encourage you to get counselling: Who will walk side by side with you: Love and cherish you and value for the special child you are: You are gifted: You are tallented: You are the most important child evr born: All that may be hard for you to take in right now: Always believe in yourself: Your life is in your hands to make the difference: You need loads of love and help to make a real sense of what you have written to Darlene: You want to be loved: You want to get help: Darlene sure has given you heart felling love and suggestions where to start: Build up your self esteem Vorbei: One sure way to begin is to think positive: act positive be positive in all you do and say about the wonderful and beautiful girl you are: Begin to have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Oh yes Vorbei change you every day lifestyle's and get out there with your friends and class mates taliking part in team games and cultural activities: I guarantee you will see the benefits in a short time: Mixing with like minded peers will change your whole outlook on your negative thinking: I am the most important person ever born: Believe that about yourself Vorbei: I WILL: I CAN: I MUST Because I am WORTH it: Begin today: live the now time of your life: Keep letting go the bad awful memories you have from the abuse and ill treatment of you by those sicko's: Have a friend you trust: Not a boy friend but a real friend who will help you understand what real trust and love is all about: Who will respect and value YOU for who you are: Be gentle and kind to yourself and to your body: Look at that me looking out at you from the mirror Say nice loving words to that me: I am very intelligent: I am very beautiful instead of I am not: I have a nice what ever instead of I don't like my what ever: Only you can make your body beautiful: Your motto must be I can: I will etc: so off your bottom: Act on Darlene's comment put it into practise as your beginning to LOVE yourself:

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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