Comments for Child Abuse Story From Stacey M

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Oct 21, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

What you described about your stepdad is so typical of child molesters. He "groomed" you and your mother. In fact, he probably chose your mother because she had a young daughter. That's what pedophiles do; they seek out a target rich environment, make themselves seem so very nice and attentive. This is all part of the grooming process. Then they slowly take advantage of the child's vulnerabilities, and then use threats (some implied, some verbal, some more severe) so that the secret is kept. The sickening part is that he didn't stop molesting you because of some kind or remorse; he stopped because his tastes were little girls. It is no surprise that he molested your younger sister: I would be surprised if he hadn't, both of them. I sincerely hope he goes to prison for what he's done. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir


Oct 30, 2010
Honesty from her heart to you : The truth will set you free
by: Anonymous

Stacey M: How grateful I am to you as I am certain many of Darlene's many visitors are too:
Darlene's comment to your heart is so honest the truth about Pedophiles: It is a great help to many on this site to have the truth about how they work and groom children: Hopefully it gives us all a warning so that we can safeguard the innocent and vunerable child from their grips:
Stacey M I would hoppe you will receive all the help and love to heal from such effects of that beast who groomed and molested you totally for his own sickness and gratification: He was not one bit worried or concerned the effects it would have on you:
Tell on him: Get him out of the equation of other children: Your dear little sister too: Don't blame yourself ever: You were scared, you were frightened: You were used and abused by this pedophille:
Get help: speak with a counsellor/theapist. You are a very inteeligent young woman: You will make sure other children especially little girls will be safeguarded from this beast:
Take special note of all Darlene said to you from the her heart: She know best and wants what is best for you and your sister:
Always believe in yourself: Stay in education: Live well: Laugh alot: Love much: beginning with yourself: stay safe: Be safe: I wil: I can: I must: Because I am WORTH it.

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this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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