Comments for Child Abuse Story From John

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Oct 16, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You had one very twisted, perverted and sadistic mother. And yes, your father most definitely was an enabler and could have kept you safe from harm. They are BOTH responsible for what happened to you. You are likely affected in ways that most cannot fathom as a result of her hatred and twisted perversions. But don't EVER believe it was you. It wasn't you at all. SHE was the one with serious mental problems. SHE was the one to blame. You were perfect as you were, John. Always remember that. And please consider some form of counseling in order to help you deal with the repercussions of coming from such terrible abuse. You deserve that kind of help. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Oct 17, 2010
The sooner, the better...Darlene is right!
by: Anonymous

John, I agree with Darlene. Your "mother" (well, if you still want to call her that) is a truly sadistic, disgusting, perverted, warped, confused, uneducated, unloving, ignorant, uncaring, animalistic, barbaric, cruel, psychotic, insane, ruthless beast and she should be locked up in prison with her slimy husband together for all those disgusting and terrible crimes that they (especially that sicko of a mother) committed against you, so the sooner you tell someone, the better.

Oct 17, 2010
I grew up in an istitution: I accepted alot in innocence
by: maurice

At 64 years of age reading your story John grwoing up as an innocent child in such a confined space with no place to run I could never fathom your situation: But you sure had the father and mother Darlene tells you had: Bad, twisted, I am sure you are very much aware of that now at 50: Great you found Darlene's site: You seek help in a safe place as that is what her site is all about: She Darlene has given you a loving, affirming, helpful re-assuring empowering comment: You'll make real sense of her words: Don't Quit, don't give up LOVING the true and wonderful YOU; You still have alot of living left in you: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Weird weird world was your childhood/adolecent years in that house/room: Your maturing and growing mind with your natural sexual growth being twisted for a mother weirdness of being: She sure did not get the help or the counselling she needed from the abuse she suffered: Instead she went the opposite way: John you have been making slow progress to use your parents all of who Darlene tell you they were, turning your pain into power: You'll continue to be a winner over both of their sickness: You are a strong Man: great you arrived here at Darlene site: Her encouragement to seek counselling I know will start for you a whole new outlook on yourself and your life's journey from the NOW time of your life: Thank You: great you had the courage to be so brave and honest to write your pain and your story:

May 03, 2013
by: Anonymous

John, first of all, your mom is deeply troubled and sick. Second of all, speaking of her sexist comments about boys, while making sexist comments about girls is bad enough, making equally sexist comments about boys is honestly mean and disgusting because boys should be loved and cherished as much as girls. When I was born, my dad originally wanted a boy, but he got me instead (I'm a girl, BTW) and, believe it or not, he loves me with all his heart; to torment, berate and, in general, reject you just because your mom wanted a girl instead of a boy is totally ignorant!!!

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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