Comments for Child Abuse Story From Heather H

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Oct 19, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I understand the anger you feel toward your mother; it's anger that's earned. She was both abuser and enabler. You were betrayed and abandoned by her. She was sick, twisted and deeply disturbed. But that anger will overtake you and affect every aspect of your life. You are SO right that you need help. But there is NO shame in asking for that help. Shame would be to NOT ask for it. Pride can be a positive thing, but not when it interferes with your ability to see things as they are and reach out for what you need. And you NEED to see someone about the horrors of your childhood. Otherwise, the memories and feelings will haunt and consume you. You didn't deserve to be mistreated. You most definitely deserve help now that you have. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Oct 19, 2010
It IS amazing...
by: Anonymous made it.

It's just that those who choose to shut off from their abuse think you should too...those of us who confront it & feel the pain are the ones who learn to heal. It's a long road but acknowledging we survived is the biggest step!

Since you're an adult - can you get counseling? It is so important for your future. A good book is The Courage To Heal. I recommend it, :) It helps.

Oct 21, 2010
by: heaher elizabeth nicole hobbs

i just wanted to THANK both darlene and anonymous for your comment i dont think anyone has every said anything that made me cry for a good reason...THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!


Oct 30, 2010
Think for yourself: Do for your: what you know to be the best for YOURSELF
by: maurice

Through no fault of yours: A mother has put you in a negative low self esteem thinking mode about yourself: Heather H your story is telling of a childhood/adolecent of horrific abuse in many forms: Through no fault of yours, you were born into a hell hole of depravity with a mother out of her twist most of the time: How could she love and cherish you when she had no love, respect to cherish herself: Heather H you be brave: Be strong: Don't Quit: Don't give up on yourself: Your life is in a mess because of others: Not of your doing: It will take courage with the help of true and good people (friends) to build a life for yourself that will make you happy and content: You are a hughly intelligent woman NOW; so begin from the now time of your life Thinking positive: Acting positive: Being positive in all you do and say about your beautiful and wondersul self: There's greatness and goodness deep within you: You thinking small about yourself from NOW on will do you no good: Get off your bottom and start living your life tom the full: Put yourself in a safe invironment: If that means moving away from the s**t hole you were born into well and good: I am not to blame for that: Letting go my Heather H of those bad and awful memories and the effects of the abuse won't be easy: BUT you reached Darlene's safe have site: For a purpose and for a reason: Read her comment to you: Have the courage of your own conviction that her advice will give you a whole new beginning in your life: Only if you want the best for yourself: Let your motto be about her comment: I can: I will: I must: beacuse I am WORTH it: who's WORTH it Heather H. I am WORTH it; good on you: now act Today doing something about it: I truly want your life to be a better one from Today On: Do you???. Am I hearing I do. I do. good on you again: Your suffering and hurt was caiused by others and that bad, bad, no good Mother: Darlene mentioned counselling and help: I was 33 years of age when I told my story to a counsellor; It is the adult thing to do once you know it will do you a power of good: I can almost hear all the other Visitors (my friends) say go on tell Heather H have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Ok Good people I have: So Heather H get out and about with like minded people your own age and gender taking part in sporting and cultural activities: You know the differenc in a short time: You Motto Heather: I will: I can: I must: etc etc; get my moving on in your life message: Your the bestest: Look in that Mirror and say I AM: I AM:

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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