Comments for Child Abuse Story from Ber

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Oct 06, 2007
You ARE precious and valuable
by: Darlene Barriere

Amber, I'm delighted that you have found people in your life who treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. Your parents were—are—wrong; you are definitely not worthless. You deserved to have parents who not only loved and nurtured you, but also parents who protected you from harm. They failed miserably when they didn't keep you safe from your brother; but even worse, was the fact that they encouraged his abusive behaviour toward you when they turned a blind eye. It wasn't just your brother who set you up for unhealthy relationships; your parents were every bit as responsible.

Counselling, your courage to face the violence and betrayal of your childhood, your caring friends, and the love from your "practically adopted" family are holding you strong. Keep up the great work, Amber. You're worth it. And all the best in your musical endeavours.

Oct 16, 2007
You deserve to be loved.
by: Anonymous

Those parents don't deserve you as a daughter, you don't have to have such people as that in your life. If they don't treat you better lose them. They are nasty people, that's not your fault, they have the problem not you I'd give them the boot!

You deserve to be loved and cared about, there are decent people in this world. You sound like a talented,smart woman, you don't need a family such as this harming your self worth. There is nothing wrong with cutting such nasty people out of your life even if they are blood relatives.

Being related didn't stop them from hurting you, don't let it stop you from seperating yourself from them, if they are not willing to have the proper love and respect for you.

Oct 19, 2007
stay strong
by: deidre , 15 , in ohio

i am proud of you , most people who go through that , don't recover . stay strong , and keep your heah held high .

Aug 25, 2009
Your family had lots of problems
by: Anonymous

Amber, what your brother and parents did to you was and still is out of line. You did nothing wrong and you are not to blame; your family is to blame (specially your brother) because they had lots of problems and they need help...but you need help, too. Have you tried counselling?

Aug 25, 2009
I misunderstood a bit...
by: Anonymous

Sorry that i misunderstood a little bit when I realized just now that you went through counselling...yay for you, sweetheart; just try to stay in counselling. I'm also glad that your adoptive parents are with you because they are sweet for doing that!

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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