Comments for Child Abuse Story From Karen

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May 16, 2011
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You broke the cycle of abuse. For that you can be so proud. If you choose to, look at what happened to you as a child differently: recognize that your experience left you with a staunch resolved NOT to abuse your own children, to give them a better life than what you had. There is so much purpose in that. It doesn't mean that what happened to you was "right" or that it was necessary; it only means that it was. And in the fact that it happened, you've turned pain into power. Choosing a better path for your and your children is the ultimate purpose; one I applaud and commend you for. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

May 16, 2011
Such uncontrolled sadism
by: Anonymous

Karen, your so-called stepmother is wrong. You are not ugly; you are beautiful. You are not a spoiled brat; you are a good, wonderful person and you deserved so much better than what that sadistic, brute of a stepmother and your so-called dad did to you and your sister; they certainly didn't deserve you guys in their lives. You are not hurting them; they are the ones that hurt you and your sister. Never believe any of those lies that they were spewing. Oh, and I can't believe that your dad would abandon you guys to the so-called care of that sick monster of a stepmother and allow her to beat and berate you everyday./ dare he! Shame on him for running away from you all the time instead of protecting you from that ignorant sicko of a stepmother. I am just as disgusted by him choosing her over you; I hate men who choose abusive women over their own children because children should always come first. If she didn't want to be there, she should've had the courage to leave instead of sadistically abusing you. The path that she and your dad chose is inexcusable. You are not to blame for their sadistic, ignorant behavior; they are to blame because they chose to abuse you. You and your sister were the children, they were the adults; they had all the power and only misused it over you and your sister. I'm glad that you are in a safe place now; I just hope that you will try counselling. Oh, and don't let them destroy you; please look into reporting them.

May 17, 2011
scarey stuff step-mothers abusing not there own children
by: maurice

Oh the more I read here: Step-mother being so cruel and sadistic in their abuse of another mother's child I want to: I can't express what I want to here to be fair to Darlene and her visitors: Darlene sure safeguards us all who write our true stories here as the greatest form or love and support out of respect for each one of us: Karen: hug her comment into you it is so loving and affirming of you: You stopped the Cycle of abuse: Your children are very special, they are lucky and blessed children and safe from the cycle of abuse: Good on you Karen: You are a hero heroine to many great and good mothers who also stopped the cycle of abuse: I would like to accept that you are in the majority who have stopped the cycle of abuse: I know many who accepted it did them no harm are still abusing their own lovely, beautiful innocent children; Oh how wrong they are: As you so rightly put it: I look at my friends children whom I have known since birth and I say how could any one put a mark on them or abuse them as a form of discipline; These are the happiest children with very special loving parents especialy their mommies: You are the very best Karen: Than you

May 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Im so glad you broke the cycle of abuse and you have kids of your own to love and cherish like they should be. Like little angels! I've found that most of us abused children go through the same process of trying to figure out in some form or other how could this happen to us?Why did our parents hurt us that bad? Most times those questions are left unanswered because we cannot possibly put ourselves in their position. In my view, I think that unless there is delibitating mental illness involved (where the person ought to be institutionalised asap),people do this as a way to get their needs met. Anger and hurting children is a twisted way to feel in control, vent uncomfortable feelings, "deal" with anxiety or jealousy or get even with abusive predecessors. So it is really selfish.Abusers only think about themselves.A lot of women do exactly the same things your father did.They meet their own needs as well. They much rather hurt the child than break up and "have financial issues, face loneliness or sexual deprivation". They are also selfish. It is very unfortunate but I think your father was a selfish person who liked things being the way they were and didnt want to change the status quo and get you guys out of there. It is over though. You are over this and though it hurts you KNOW its wrong and that you would NEVER do this to anyone, let alone your own children. You are a survivor and made good use of your experience. We are all very proud of you!

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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